Introduce FreeSWITCH AMI!

Product announcement for Freeswitch AMI products. Read-only.
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Introduce FreeSWITCH AMI!

Postby jsun » Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:21 am

Hi, all,

We are happy to announce the 3rd AMI product from Netspectrum, FreeSWITCH VoIP platform. It is built on top of fast and responsive Amazon Linux (64bit, HVM, EBS). It enables one to build a VoIP application quickly. You can make a VoIP call in two minutes!

Please give it a try and let us know what you think. Specifically we are thinking to roll other versions of FreeSWITCH with GUI (FusionPBX and Bluebox). Let us know whether that is something you like to see.

Below is the description text copied from the AWS marketplace product page. Enjoy.


FreeSWITCH is an awarding-winning open source telephony platform that routes and interconnects audio, video, text and other media. With its rich features you can easily build your VoIP applications such as call center, PBX, calling card, video conferencing, etc. This AMI builds latest FreeSWITCH version on top of fast and responsive Amazon Linux. It comes with pre-tuned configurations for AWS EC2 and hardened security configurations. Plenty of examples help you get up running quickly. Note this AMI does not come with any GUI configuration interface.


- Fully configured and thouroughly tested for AWS EC2 - you can make a VoIP call in a couple of minutes!
- Hardened security right out of box.
- Runs on top of fast and responsive 64bit Amazon Linux.

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