backend dB updating Freeswitch

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backend dB updating Freeswitch

Postby bigfootvoice » Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:20 pm

* let me state that I jacked the system up and there was nothing wrong with the install. I know I could terminate my instance and build another but I am curious about FS (Freeswich) / FusionPBX and trying to learn how it works.

I had an issue where I was enabling wss and had a crash I believe to a cert issue. When the server restarted FS would not come back up. FusionPBX could not see anything with no event socket connection. In the CLI I could see that it could not write to its database. I read online about a corrupt db and followed a procedure where I stopped FS, httpd and deleted the /usr/local/freeswitch/db databases. FS came back up and regenerated the dbs but now when I am in the GUI and make changes to the sip profile the changes are not always reflected in the debug of the reload. db ownership is set to apache. I do see the changes made to the fusionpbx db just not propagating to FS.

Any ideas? or is there a script to reset the permissions? I went through the FusionPBX upgrade steps and restore options.


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Re: backend dB updating Freeswitch

Postby jsun » Mon Jan 22, 2018 10:08 pm

It might not be a permission issue.

You can try
  • deleting /var/www/html/fusionpbx/conf/config.php
  • refresh your browser on fuxionpbx and go through re-initialization again

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Re: backend dB updating Freeswitch

Postby bigfootvoice » Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:02 pm

I moved the cofig.php and went through the installer. Afterwards I got the login screen but could not authenticate. I verified via command line that the users were still in the v_user table. Went through the password reset process for one of the users with no luck. I moved the original config.php file back and still unable to authenticate. The original and re-generated config.php look the same. any ideas?

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Re: backend dB updating Freeswitch

Postby jsun » Tue Jan 23, 2018 11:57 pm

Try to login with the original admin user/password.

During the reinstallation phase, avoid creating admin users with the same name.

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