MyADA staking pool is alive and minted its first block!

Announcement about Cardano staking pool
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MyADA staking pool is alive and minted its first block!

Postby jsun » Fri May 07, 2021 4:52 pm

We are happy to announce MYADA staking pool operated by Netspectrum comes to live in Epoch 264 on May 5th, 2021. We are even more thrilled to announce that within 8 hours of its birth it has successfully minted its first block.

Come and stake with MYADA staking pool!
  • Hosted on AWS with 24/7/365 reliability - never miss a block
  • Cheap rates (340 fee/1% margin) means more return for stake holders
  • Operated by Netspectrum, an Internet/AWS veteran
  • For a good cause with 10% profit donation to International Red Cross

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