How much does it cost me a month?

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How much does it cost me a month?

Postby jsun » Wed Jan 30, 2019 7:05 pm

To run a VOIP system with Netspectrum AMI, you will pay 3 parts to Amazon:
  • EC2 instance charge - charged at hourly rate listed on the web page, varying based on your instance size. See and
  • Data transfer charge - This is mostly free because (a) Amazon only charges for outgoing traffic, (b) you have free 1GB outgoing traffic per month and ~$0.09 per GB there after. So $1 (1TB) should cover over 20,000 minutes of talking!
  • EBS storage charge - This is typically around $0.1 per GB per month. For a typical system, this should cost you a couple of dollars.

As you can see, the primary cost is the hourly charge of EC2 instance, which runs for about $15 for a micro instance. Other two components are generally negligible.

Of course, you would also need to pay termination and DID costs, which are in addition to AWS cost. Hope this help!

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